Rekomendasi Anggota Untuk Mulai Belajar
Rekomendasi untuk pemula
- [DOCS] Python documentation
- [WIKI] Python for Non-Programmers
- [WEBSITE] Belajar Python - Tutorial
- [YOUTUBE] Channel YouTube Indonesia Belajar
- [YOUTUBE] Channel YouTube Kelas Terbuka
Bahasa Indonesia
- [KURSUS] Dicoding - Memulai Pemrograman Dengan Python
- [WEBSITE] Petani Kode - Tutorial Pemrograman Python
- [WEBSITE] CodeSaya - Python
- [WEBSITE] Workshop Python 101
- [WEBSITE] Belajar Python Bahasa Indonesia
- [YOUTUBE] Channel Indonesia Belajar
- [YOUTUBE] Channel Kelas Terbuka
- [YOUTUBE] Channel Programmer Zaman Now
Bahasa Inggris
- [YOUTUBE] Python Full Course
- [BUKU] Free Programming eBooks by O’Relly
- [BUKU] More Free eBooks by O’Relly
- [BUKU] How To Think Like A Computer Scientist
- [BUKU] Python Notes for Professionals
- [BUKU] 100 Pages of Python Intro
- [REPO] gregmalcolm/python_koans
- [REPO] learnbyexample/scripting_course
- [REPO] tuvtran/project-based-learning#python
- [REPO] pamoroso/free-python-books
- [KURSUS] FreeCodeCamp - Python For Everybody Scientific Computing with Python Certification (300 hours)
- [KURSUS] Google’s Python Class
- [KURSUS] SoloLearn - Python 3
- [KURSUS] PCAP: Programming Essentials in Python
- [WEBSITE] Tutorialspoint - Python 3 Tutorial
- [WEBSITE] Learn Python - Free Interactive Python Tutorial
- [WEBSITE] Full Stack Python - Build, Deploy and Operate Python Applications
- [WEBSITE] Django Girls Tutorial
- [WEBSITE] W3Shcool Python
- [WEBSITE] Javapoint Python
- [BUKU] Programming Python, 4th Edition by Mark Lutz
- [BUKU] Learning Python, 5th Edition by Mark Lutz
- [BUKU] Python Crash Course by Eric Matthes
- [BUKU] Automate the Boring Stuff with Python, 2nd Edition by Al Sweigart
- [BUKU] Learn Python 3 the Hard Way by Zed A. Shaw
- [KURSUS] Udemy - Everything You Need to Program in Python
- [KURSUS] - Development Intensive Course with Python
- [KURSUS] Coursera - Python for Everybody
- [KURSUS] Coursera - Google IT Automation with Python
- [KURSUS] DataCamp - Python Courses
- [WEBSITE] Real Python Tutorials
Studi Kasus (tingkat lanjut)
Referensi Proyek
- Edureka - Top Python Projects You Should Consider Learning
- Towards Data Science - Best Simple Python Projects for Beginners
- Real Python - Project Ideas for Intermediate Python Developers